ORGANIC Seed Companies — the seed companies below only sell organic seeds.
Why buy from them?
Organic seed is non-GMO. Genetically modified frankenseeds have now been introduced into foods gardeners grow and eat fresh. We understand that so far if you buy sweet corn, yellow crook-neck squash or zucchini, you may be purchasing a genetically modified food. As there’s no requirement that GM companies notify the public when new products are introduced, we’re not sure these are the only GM fresh foods you might buy from market shelves.
To be as sure as possible that your seed hasn’t been genetically modified, purchase only organic seed or save your own seed. (So far, our Peninsula may be one of the safest places in the States to grow un-GM-contaminated organic seed.)
Many to all of the seed offered by organic companies are heirloom. This means they’ve been saved over generations, in largest part because they taste best but also because this trait is often linked to good production in organic conditions.
You’re supporting organic growers as opposed to environmentally unfriendly users of synthetic chemicals. Ten years ago we had to scratch and scrape to find a decent selection of organic seeds. Now things are far better and improving every year.
Organic seed is best adapted to doing well in your organic garden.
Increased demand for organic seed brings more varieties and a better selection to gardeners.
Seed Dreams
Tessa Gowans is the owner of this oldest Peninsula seed company. She has built her business by specializing in seeds for our area and deals with heirlooms, some of which she’s brought back from near extinction. You can get her food and flower seeds at Nash’s Farm Store in Sequim or the Food Co-op in Port Townsend. You can also contact Tessa through the above noted address.
High Mowing Organic
They have their own seed farm in Vermont, buy from US organic seed farmers (in Vermont, Washington, Oregon, New York, Idaho and California) plus some hand-picked organic wholesale organic seed companies. Their selection is among the best and their catalog is well produced with good information and color photos so you know what to expect.
Turtle Tree Seed
This is a small non-profit organic and biodynamic seed company that is part of a life-sharing community for developmentally disabled in New York State. They offer a solid collection of seeds with a good on-line catalog. (There is also a paper catalog but representative photos of the crops are found on the web-site.) We love this company for the reliable organic seeds they offer and their social responsibility which is like no other.
Uprising Seeds
This young and growing company is owned by a young family close to us in Bellingham, WA. They have seeds for veggies, flowers, herbs and cover crops that have been adapted specifically to the maritime northwest climate.
They have an enlarging and interesting variety of seeds.
They carry seed for Nash’s renowned carrots and some surprising new finds like the Hannan Pop Beans.
Prairie Road Organic
A friendly, family-run organic seed company in North Dakota. They grow and pack all their own seed, ensuring it is adapted and performs in northern gardens with short growing seasons. Their motto: "Our success is ensuring your success!"
They carry seed for Nash's carrots and other crops that are very successful here in Sequim.